Hygiene starts from the schools

Hygiene starts from the schools

Diseases spread in various ways. It is common that viruses are encapsulated in minute droplets that float in the air and land on hard surfaces, and there is a chance of getting inside people’s noses and mouths while they take in the air.  And when someone contacts a hard surface that has virus droplets on it, the chances are even greater. Hands are also one of the most prevalent routes for the virus to be transferred from person to person.

Washing your hands frequently with soap and water is one of the simplest, easiest, and most vital strategies to prevent the spread of a virus during the pandemic period. While you may be asking why handwashing is superior to hand sanitizers, you must understand that each has a role to play in the prevention of communicable diseases. Soap and water are the most effective weapons for killing coronavirus germs. Soap penetrates the virus’s outer “skin”. Water alone will not do this; you will also need soap to physically inactivate the coronavirus. Hand sanitizer is a useful substitute for water and soap when neither is available.

It is important for children to practice good personal hygiene at school in order to stay clean, healthy, and free of germs and illnesses. Students are at danger of contracting germs while playing, sharing food with friends, interacting with other children, and so on. It is important to ensure that the child wears a clean uniform and has all the necessary school accessories, but it is also crucial that you teach the student fundamental cleanliness. Fingernails are well known for being a breeding habitat for bacteria. In most circumstances, this can result in infection and disease. Make sure that the student’s fingernails are clipped and trimmed on a weekly basis.

A student’s best buddy should be a handkerchief. Children should be taught to cover their mouths with a handkerchief or tissue, especially when coughing or sneezing in the school or in a public space. Teach them to wipe their faces with a clean handkerchief rather than their clothes. Remind children of the necessity of maintaining proper hygiene as a routine. Explain to them that, although germs may not be visible to the eyes, they are still found in their body dress or surroundings that may make them sick.

Personal cleanliness helps the students to lead a better and quality life. The parents and the schools have the responsibility to make them understand the importance of personal hygiene because the future mainly depends on the health of our children.


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