Student Council
The Student Council of our school gives the deserving students a fair chance to have a hand on experience of managing the school activities and come face to face with the real life problems. The student council for the year bears a new face as it supports a hierarchy, which delegates the responsibility and accountability chain from the top till the very bottom.
Assessment / Promotion
The Scholastic performance of the student is assessed throughout the year in a continous manner.Promotion to the higher class is not on the basis of the final examination alone.For the higher classes there will be three examinations-Quarterly,Half yearly and Annual in August /September,December and March respectively.Apart from these there will be regular mid term tests too.The final assessment and promotion of the students are based on the performance in all these examinations.Hence students should attend these compulsorily.In SUPW,physical and Health Education and Art Education students should secure a minimum of 40% in each subject with an aggregate of 50% for promotion to the higher class.No re-examination can be arranged nor can there be any arrangement for special examinations for reasons such as transfer of guardians,illness of the students etc.

Leave may be granted to a Pupil by the Principal
The Leave application should be sent to the school the same day or latest by the next day, duly signed by the parent/guardian of the child.During the tests and examinations, no leave will be granted except in case of emergencies.A medical certificate from a registered medical officer has to be produced along with the leave letter in case of illness.If a student happens to be absent for ten working days continuously without even applying for leaves his/her name shall be struck off the rolls of the school for continuous absence and she/he may be readmitted to the school only if there is a vacancy.